
Accounting for intangible assets and cryptocurrencies (Online)
Venue Online - Microsoft Teams
Date Tuesday 24th September 2024
Time 09:30 - 12:30
Information In this session we will briefly discuss about the requirements of IAS 38 – Intangibles and then apply those requirements to the accounting of cryptoassets. The following key aspects will be dealt with:

  • The definition of intangible assets

  • Recognition and measurement principles

  • Types of intangible assets

  • Subsequent remeasurement principles

  • Accounting for cryptoassets focusing on:

    - Background

    - Relevant characteristics for accounting purposes focusing on:

    1. Cryptocurrency
    2. Asset backed token
    3. Utility token
    4. Security token
    5. IFRIC Agenda decisions
    6. Initial Coins Offerings
    7. Crowdfunding
    8. Non-Fungible Tokens
    9. IFRS 13 and cryptographic assets
    10. Disclosures
  • Presenter
    CPD Units 3 units on full attendance
    Seats Left 11
    Price Rs 4000
    Booking Deadline Tuesday 24th September 2024
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