
Accounting for Joint Arrangements under IFRS 11
Venue Hennessy Park Hotel Ebene
Date Thursday 10th October 2024
Time 09:30 - 12:30
Information In this session we will look at the requirements under IFRS 11 on joint operations and joint ventures in terms of the following:

  • Joint arrangement
  • Joint control
  • Significant influence
  • Classifying joint arrangements with a detailed look at their structure and legal form
  • Accounting for joint arrangements for both joint operators and joint venturers
  • Changes in interests and changes in status of joint arrangements
  • Financial statements of joint venturers
  • Financial statements of joint operation structured as separate entity

    MQA Approval In Process
  • Presenter
    CPD Units 3 units on full attendance
    Seats Left 11
    Price Rs 4500
    Booking Deadline Thursday 10th October 2024
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