
IFRS Update 2024
Venue Hennessy Hotel Ebene
Date 28th August 2024
Time 09:00 to 16:00
Information Speakers : Bruce Victor Mackenzie - IASB Board Member, Special guest speaker Bertrand Perrin - IASB Board Member, Sanat Kumar Bheeroo - IFRS Technical Manager.

IFRS Updates in the IFRS world pertaining to:

  • Update on IFRS projects

  • Overview of the New standard on IFRS 18 Presentation of financial statements

  • Overview of the New standard on IFRS 19 subsidiaries without public accountability

  • Narrow -scope Amendments under IFRS Accounting Standards with Effective Date 1 January 2024

  • Non-current Liabilities with Covenants

  • Definition of current liabilities

  • Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback

  • Supplier Finance Arrangement

Bruce Mackenzie
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Bruce holds a Higher Diploma in Taxation, UNISA, and a B.Compt (Hons). He has worked for Deloitte both in South Africa and the United Kingdom in their IFRS Centres of Excellence consulting on the implications of IFRS; and with Barclays Capital in London as an Associate Director in the Structured Capital Markets group involved in the IFRS conversion projects for the Structured Capital Markets, High Value Leasing and Private Equity divisions of Barclays Capital, as well as IFRS consulting to the structuring teams.

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CPD Units 7 units on full attendance
Seats Left 12
Price Rs 14000
Booking Deadline
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