

This field is only if you have booked on Bookit.mu before, otherwise please fill in the fields in the main form.
If you have already booked on-line for an event in the past, type in your email address below and your details will auto populate on the form.
By booking for this event you are agreeing that your details will be stored in our systems.
You may request your data be removed at any time by sending an email to info@wconsulting.mu
We do not share your data with any external companies/individuals or sell it under any circumstances.
It is stored for the purpose of tracking events attendance and in certain instances for the issuing of certificates and quiz links.
You data will also automatically be removed at a certain point in time in line with GDPR requirements.

Main Information
This information is required
First name
Last name
Email address
Contact number
NIC Number
Job Title
Payment option
Lunch option

Optional Information
Invoice name
Invoice address
VAT number
BRN number
NIC number